Yuba College Webadvisor

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Yuba Community College District was established in 1972 and it opened on its current site, 2088 North Beale Road in Marysville, in September 1962. The Campus presently includes 23 buildings and sits on 160 acres. Besides, Yuba College also runs two educational centers. Those are one at the Beale Air Force Base Outreach Center in Linda and another at the Sutter County Center located in Yuba City.

Since the fall semester of 1960, The Beale Air Force Base Outreach Center has hosted classes and in the fall of 2012 The Sutter County Center has opened and it is the college’s newest center, just off Highway 99. Yuba College always maintains a strong partnership with area high schools and transfer universities as is evident by its articulated course and programs which are a lot. This college has services to allow eligible 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students to register in college courses. Those efforts help students to plan and complete their college degrees through quality dual or concurrent enrollment with less cost while working to a two-year or four-year college educational goal.

To make students easier in getting information about grades, making financial payment, registering classes and more, Yuba College provides WebAdvisor. Webadvisor Yuba College is your gateway to add and drop courses, request a refund of fees, pay your fees, view grades, get an unofficial transcript, and to change your address or phone. To do those things via WebAdvisor, you need to log in. First, you can access the website of Yuba College. Then, in the upper right of the page, you will see there is WebAdvisor. Click that and you will be directed to the WebAdvisor page of Yuba Community College District. Click Log In button in the upper right if the page and then you will be brought to the Log In page where you need to enter your User ID and also your password. In the Yuba Webadvisor, your User ID is the first initial of your last name (capitalized) and your 7 digit Student ID number. If you do not know your Student ID, you are able to search for your User Name based on your last name and your SSN. Then, how about password? If it is your first time logging in, your password is the first letter of your first name (uppercase) + first letter of your last name (lowercase) + last 4 digits of your Social Security Number + (If there is no SSN, you can use last 4 digits of Colleague ID #) + 2 digit designation of your birth month.

With the Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers on PCs or Macintoshes and Netscape Navigator, Webadvisor Yuba can work effectively. For getting best results, the browsers should be release 4.x level or later. While Internet Explorer Release 4.x functions satisfactory on Macintosh platforms, you will get a more aesthetic appearance with Release 5. Okay, thank you for reading this article. You are able to read about Webadvisor on the other colleges in this website.