UE (University of Evansville) is a private university which located in Evansville, Indiana, United States. It is one of small private university that was established in 1854. The president of UE (University of Evansville) is Thomas A. Kazee. Academically, UE (University of Evansville) is organized into three colleges and two schools. Those are William L. Ridgway College of Arts & Sciences, College of Education & Health Sciences, College of Engineering & Computer Science, The Schroeder Family School of Business Administration and Harlaxton College.
There are many programs and majors include Accounting, Archaeology, Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Management, Marketing, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physical Therapy and more. Based on the research, currently, the University of Evansville has over 2,140 students from 55 countries and 44 states.
Talk about UE (University of Evansville), in this time, we will discuss about Webadvisor UE. By the way, are you part of the University of Evansville? Have you ever heard about Webadvisor UE? What do you know about Webadvisor UE? If you are part of the University of Evansville and are looking for the information about Webadvisor UE, you are at right place because here in this article you are going to get its information you need. Let us see its explanation in the text below and please read this article until finish.
Webadvisor UE is a tool that provided by the University of Evansville for Prospective students, incoming students, active and recently graduated students, parents of students, Faculty of UE (University of Evansville), Staff and Administrators of the UE (University of Evansville). In this case, you have to know that the Prospective Students will not be needed to log on. You are able to search the course catalog of UE (University of Evansville). Or you are able to learn more about UE (University of Evansville).
Simply, you just need to visit the page of Webadvisor UE, and then you have to click the toolbar item “Main Menu”. After that, please follow the link for “Prospective Students”. However, for incoming students, active and recently graduated students have to log in by using the credentials which you have been provided. In this case, if you are not sure with the credentials which you have, so simply you are able to ask a help to get your user ID and password.
Webadvisor UE is a tool that can use by the parents of students to review their student’s academic. By using Webadvisor UE, the parents of students can also check the financial information. If you are the parents of students and need more information about that, so you are able to see the WebAdvisor Access documentation. Or you can also watch the video on the page of Webadvisor UE. Then, for the employees of UE (University of Evansville), they can use Webadvisor UE such as for check the registration of the students, view the payroll information, track vacation or sick leave, download tax information, and more. In this case, you have to know that the employees of UE (University of Evansville) will get their credentials from their Human Resources, supervisor, or from OTS. If you get some problem, you can contact to the OTS Help Desk at 2077.