If you are planning on or presently attending Walden University, so you have to know the information about the school including the official student login page of Walden University. Here, in this article, we are going to discuss about the Walden University student portal.
The Walden Student Portal is an online access for the Students of Walden University. With this Student Portal, the students can do many things such as viewing their grades, checking their schedule, viewing their scores, getting the information regarding the Walden University and more.
How to access the Walden Student Portal? Actually, you can access the Walden Student Portal easily. When you are at the homepage beta.my.waldenu.edu, you can see the link written Student Login. So, please click on Student Login button. Then, you will be taken to the page of Walden University Portal.
Besides that, you can also go to the page of Walden University Portal by clicking on myWalden once you are at the homepage of Walden University site. By clicking myWalden link, you are going to go to the page of myWalden Student Portal. For your information, Walden Student Portal is also well known as myWalden. There, you can see two columns that you need to fill out. The first column is where you have to enter your email address and the second column is where you have to enter your password. Now, the first thing that you have to do in logging the student portal is enter your email address as well your password. After you feel that you have already enter your email address and password correctly, so you can click on sign in button to start login your myWalden student portal. Now, you can look for the information you need such us check your grades, scores, schedule and more.
How do you do to get rid of your forgot password? Actually, there are some students who ever get this problem. For this case, if you get the problem like cannot remember your password, so you can click on the link written ‘I NEED HELP LOGGING IN’. By clicking that link, you will go to the page where you can reset your password. In resetting your password, you just need to enter your Walden email address and access to your personal email account. You are going to get a verification code through your personal email address, mobile phone or by phone call.
In other case, if you cannot access your personal email account, mobile phone or your account no longer exists, so you have to call the Student Support for assistance. Then, a team member is going to provide a temporary password to access the Walden Student Portal. After that, you are going to be prompted to reset your password at the next login session. For your information, the password reset requirements have to be a combination of the following: 8-16 characters, uppercase Letters, lowercase Letters, numbers and symbols. Remember that your password cannot be your username or User ID.