Typhon Student Login

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A lot of nursing and health education programs choose Typhon Group for their data collection needs. No wonder why it happens because Typhon Group can deliver application which is easy to use and scalable for schools of all sizes. Besides, the systems of this group are utility-like services with nothing to install and it can be up and running in days.

Now, more than 1000 institutions use Typhon Group to manage their student tracking operations and the number of customer list grows everyday. Your school probably is one of the schools which use Typhon. Then, the problem is that you do not know how to login into that system. You have to know that you will receive an email with instructions about the process of login for Typhon. You will login with the official email address of your university.

The official address used to set up the access of student will come up in the Typhon login email, along with a temporary password. Then, you will be prompted to change the password once you gain initial access to the site. To be able to login to the student section of the Typhon Group system, you are able to go to the link in your Typhon access email. Then, you must enter your username and password. You are also able to login by visiting the site of Typhon Group first. Then, choose Log In which is available in the upper right of the homepage. Then, there will be a lot of options there including log in for All Health, log in for Anesthesia, log in for Advanced Practice, log in for Nursing and log in for Assistant.

Choose the option based on your need. For example, you choose Nursing. Then, there will appear some options of login type. The options are Administrator Login, Sub-Administrator Login, Student Data Entry Login, and Perceptor/EASI Login. Choose Student Data Entry Login.

Now, you have to enter your account number, user login and also password in each field. And then, press Log In button. If you then forget your login or password, you are able to click on the link of “Forgot login or password?” which is available next to login field. Then, you will go to a page where you need to enter your account number and the exact email address on file in their system. If there is a match, you will get an email containing your login and a temporary password from the system. But, if the address of your email is wrong in their system, or it does not work anymore, you will need to ask your program administrator to be able to change your email address before you continue.

You have to note that it is recommended that you use the newest version of your browser and the most current version of your operating system. It is done because to ensure the highest level of encryption between your computer and their servers. Also, it is recommended for you to use Google Chrome. If you do not have it, you are able to use Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Firefox or Safari.