Roblox is a platform which allow the users to play games, play role, create an adventure and learn with the other players of Roblox. In this platform, the users even can sell items, buy items in catalog and earn money if they meet the terms and condition. From time to time, Roblox always try to give its best by doing some development. Now, there are more than 40 million games on Roblox and it will increase again and again because everyone on Roblox can create their own games by using Roblox Studio. So, it makes the number of games in this platform increase easily. It is also known that more than 15 million active users of Roblox come to the platform for exploring the games on Roblox.
Talk about Roblox, if you are the real fans of Roblox, you might look for anything that related to Roblox. Have you heard about RAP? RAP is Recent Average Price. If you go to website of RBX Rocks, you will find the RAP under the item which is sold. You just need to go to the catalog and then you will see that there are a lot of items. For example, for the item Hot Spot, its RAP is 14,401 and the price is about 11,000 R$ and for Warthulu, its RAP is 10,554 and its price is 8,000 R$. In that site, you can also check the leaderboard. If you check the leaderboard now, you can see that the list is just like this:
1. Roblox
RAP: 42, 406, 126
Value: 97,061,287
2. Linkmon99
RAP: 36,179,770
Value: 80,153,681
3. SonOfSevenless
RAP: 28,365,486
Value: 74,644,343
4. Stickmasterluke
RAP: 33,982,846
Value: 65,665,606
5. EarlGrey
RAP: 13,603,197
Value: 36,110,000
In that list, we just inform you 5 points, if you want to know more detail about the leaderboard, you are able to visit the website of RBX Rocks. Talk about RAP, you are able to count that through the games which are available on Roblox. In the games of Roblox, you can find RAP Leaderboard by HatHelper. There, you can add up all your limited RAP and then compare it against the RAP of the other players. That place is safe, you can see the RAP of anyone who has been there in the past as well regardless of whether they were there or not. That game is created on March 29, 2013 and it was updated on June 8, 2013. It can be played by 30 maximum players. Besides, there is also RAP Leaderboard by Alkan. There, you can calculate the total RAP of your items as well and compare with others that has been in that game before. It was created on December 12, 2010 and it was updated on March 17, 2014. It can be played by 30 maximum players. Now, it has 785 visits.
Okay, that’s all the information about RAP Leaderboard. We hope that it is informative and can answer your curiosity about RAP leaderboard. Last but not least, thank you for reading.