Webadvisor Ohlone is known as the online academic management system. This system is available for free for all current students of Ohlone. This webadvisor provides the access to the account of the student 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with the short time of maintenance as needed.
Ohlone College Webadvisor is used for some things such as viewing the most up to date class schedule for the current term, checking the registration holds, pre selecting the preferred classes before registration starts, registering for classes, dropping and withdrawing from classes, waiting list for full classes, viewing the placement test scores, viewing the grades and GPA, viewing and printing the unofficial transcript, viewing the account activity and making the payments, updating the contact information like phone number and address, requesting the official transcript and enrollment verifications, checking the financial aid status, and so on.
Apparently, you are able to view the class schedule without the account of Ohlone Webadvisor by selecting the Class Schedule option on the home page or the Search for Classes option on the main menu of the Webadvisor. As for the activities of Webadvisor, unfortunately, you have to own the account and be able to log in.
Then, how to create the account of Webadvisor? The first thing you have to do after you complete the application and get the Ohlone confirmation email with the student ID is to select Webadvisor or go to the link that located at the top of the homepage of Ohlone. Then, select the “Sign Up for Webadvisor access” from the options that listed on the left side of the Webadvisor main menu. Fortunately, it is free. This step will take you to the page with the additional Webadvisor options. The next thing you have to do is to select the “Create Your Ohlone Account” option in the first paragraph. After that, you must enter your Ohlone Student ID number in the column of ID, along with your first and last name, your birthday, and your zip code. Do not forget that this information must match with what you entered on the application. If you face the invalid data error, please contact the representative of Ohlone Webadvisor by sending an email or by calling (510) 659-6100 for assistance. The last step you have to do is to create the unique security question ans answer. Be sure to make the memorable and permanent one. The password also must between 8 and 16 characters that includes alphabetical letters, digits, and at least one special character.
After completing those steps explained above, then it is time for you to do Ohlone Webadvisor Login. to log into Ohlone Webadvisor, first, go to the link of Webadvisor on the Ohlone home page. Second, select the Students option on the right. Third, enter the username and the password you created. In case you forgot the username or the password, you have to go to Webadvisor main menu and clikc the link of the “What is my Webadvisor User Name” which is located on the left. Just follow the instructions well and you will get it.