The National Student Clearinghouse serves the education and workforce communities and all learners with access to trusted data, related services, and insights. This one was founded in 1993 by the higher education community. According to the official website of National Student Clearinghouse, this one relieves the administrative burdens and costs related to student data reporting and exchange.
National Student Clearinghouse is known as a non-profit and non-governmental organization and the leading provider of educational reporting, data exchange, verification, and research services. This one provides numerous time and cost saving benefits to students, schools, administrators, and requestors.
The education leaders rely on the unique national student data resources of Clearinghouse to better understand student pathways and outcomes in order to help students succeed. The arm of this one named the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center which is also a non-profit organization, works with the higher education institutions, states, districts, high schools, and educational organizations to better inform practitioners and policymakers about teh student educational pathways and enable informed decision making. In addition, all the services of National Student Clearinghouse are designed to facilitate compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Higher Education Act, and the other applicable laws.
As stated before, National Student Clearinghouse services comprise four service areas which as data exchange services, financial aid services, research services, and verification services. The National Student Clearinghouse offers the unmatched experience in electronic student record exchanges and its the largest provider of post secondary transcript services of the nation. The free services, reports, and analytics of the National Students Clearinghouse will help the institutions meet the growing compliance and assessment requirements associated with state and federal aid programs. The National Students Clearinghouse offers services and reports that draw on the unmatched information resources about the student level educational outcomes nationwide of Clearinghosue.
Every solution of it is available for institutions, high schools, outreach programs, and educational organizations. Aside from that, there are also the free research reports that are available via the Research Center. National Students Clearinghouse is the nation’s trusted source for student degree and enrollment verification. Its powerful online services allow institutions outsource all academic verification to the National Students Clearinghouse at no cost, as well as easily manage and track verification requests for every student and every alumni. The National Students Clearinghouse is also considered as the nation’s trusted source for educational verification by business and other organizations.
Talking about the National Students Clearinghouse offers the convenient online services for every student. From this one, you are able to order transcripts, obtain verification of your in school status, find money saving student discounts, and many more. As one of the trusted partner of the educational institutions, all the services of National Students Clearinghouse are offered with the security and privacy in mind.
For more information about the National Students Clearinghouse, please visit the official page of the National Students Clearinghouse. If you have any questions, you can call the representative of this one at 703 742 4200.