Napa Valley College Webadvisor

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Napa Valley Webadvisor is named of the web based system owned by Napa Valley College. This kind of system allows access to services for students, faculty, and staff or Napa Valley College. For those the students, the faculty, and the staff of Napa Valley College, you might want to read this entire article as it consists of some information about Napa Valley College WebAdvisor.

Apparently, you have to log in first to access the services. For you the first time users of Webadvisor Napa Valley College, here is the important log in information for you. You have to remember that the username and the password of WebAdvsior are not the same as the CCCApply username and password. To find the username of WebAdvisor, you have to go to WebAdvisor and click on the link written “What’s my Username?”. Then, enter your last name and your Social Security number or your Datatel ID #. The next thing you have to do is to click the Submit button so your username will be shown. For your information, your WebAdvisor user ID is the first initial of your first name and your last name and the last 5 digit of your student ID number.

After getting the User ID and the password, then it is time for you to log into Napa Valley College WebAdvisor. All you have to do is to click Log In and then enter your username and the default password. For the first time log in, the password is your six digit date of birth (MMDDYY). Do not forget that this password dis just temporary. It means that you will be asked to change it to the new one for security purposes.

In case you could not log into Napa Valley College WebAdvisor as it says that your account is locked, then you have to unlock the account of reset the password. To reset the password, first, go to the main menu of WebAdvisor. Second, click on the “I do not know my WebAdvisor Password?” link. Third, click on the “I don’t remember, reset my password” link. Fourth, enter your last name and then your Social Security number or your Student ID number. fifth, click the Submit button to be able to open the dropdown list of available email addresses that the temporary password is sent to. Please pick one. sixth, you will be sent the temporary one. apparently, this process takes between 1-2 minutes. Please check the spam and junk mail folders if you do not see it in the inbox. Seventh, click Log In which is located at the top or bottom of the WebAdvisor menu page. eighth, enter the username and the password you just got. Ninth, enter the requested information. Keep in mind that you have to enter whatever password you used to get to this screen if you are asked for your “Old Password”. Tenth, click the Submit button to be logged in with the new password. The steps are easy to follow.

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