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YSU (Youngstown State University) is one of universities which located in Youngstown, Ohio, United States. This university was established in 1908. Based on the research, as of fall 2010, there were 15,194 students. YSU (Youngstown State University) has motto, it is Animus Liberatus (‘The mind freed’, or ‘The spirit freed’). The president of YSU (Youngstown State University) is Jim Tressel (2014– present). In 2013, YSU (Youngstown State University) has 13,381 and 1,203 Postgraduates. By the way, are you part of YSU (Youngstown State University)? If you are part of YSU (Youngstown State University), so we think that you are going to be familiar with MyYSU. Well, in this time, we are going to discuss about MyYSU, one of them talk about MyYSU blackboard. If you are part of YSU (Youngstown State University), we recommended you to read this article until finish because this information is important for you.

You have to know that if you want to access the blackboard of YSU (Youngstown State University), you have to create your account firstly. Then, you are able to login at the YSU Blackboard Page by entering your username and password correctly. In this case, through the Office of Distance Education (DE), the Workshops are offered. Besides that, you are going also to get the Blackboard courses from other institutions restored to the YSU Blackboard system by contacting the Office of Distance Education. If you want to know more information related YSU Blackboard, we suggest you to visit the YSU Blackboard Page. You can also check the Blackboard Help Center.

Youngstown State University (YSU) provide YSU penguin portal for all part of YSU (Youngstown State University). Of course, this YSU portal is very important and gives you many benefits. This portal is well known as MyYSU. You have to know that this YSU portal offers the students, faculty, and staff of YSU (Youngstown State University). By using YSU portal, you are able to access to e-mail, calendars, announcements, and channels of information. If you are a student of YSU (Youngstown State University), you are able to check their grades, register for classes, access Blackboard, pay their bill, and purchase your parking permit. Then, for the Faculty and staffs of YSU (Youngstown State University), they are able to tax information, leave balances, view their pay stub, and many more. If you want to login your account of YSU portal, of course you have to enter your user id and password correctly.

Now, we will talk about YSU housing portal. You are going to need your YSU ID Number and your Housing PIN to login to the YSU Housing Application. In this case, if you do not know about your Housing PIN, so you are able to check your YSU email. Then, if you deleted the email or you lost your Housing PIN, so you have to contact the Office of Housing & Residence Life. Here, you are able to call at 330-941-3547 to get it resent. Do not forget to include the “y” in your YSU ID number. Please contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life at 330-941-3547 if you have any questions or if you are unable to log into the portal. Besides that, you can also ask a help through YSU email directory.

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