Mendocino College Webadvisor

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Webadvisor Mendocino College is known as the named of the system owned by Mendocino College. This kind of WebAdvisor is available for every student, every faculty, and every staff or Mendocino College to use 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. These following paragraphs are the brief tutorials that created to assist you through some of the most common services accessed by the students. Please read it well and do not miss a single thing.

To use Mendocino Webadvisor, you must have the user ID and password set by the system. For those who have not attended Mendocino College in the previous two semesters and for those who just completed the application within at least 24 hours, you may not be active in the online system. Here is the method. The first thing you have to do is to click log in to get started. For the first time users, please click “click here” to retrieve the User ID. you have to enter your last name and the Social Security number or your last name and the new Colleague ID number.

after you are done, please click the Submit button which is located at the bottom of the screen so that your used ID will be displayed. Apparently, there is a possibility that your application may not yet have been entered if there is a message appears indicating that you are not in the system. In this case, you have to know that it takes 24 hours to upload the online application to the database. If the process takes longer that it should be, please contact 707-468-3101 for assistance. The next thing you have to do after retrieving your User ID is to go back to Log In. Keep in mind that the initial password will be your 6 digit date of birth (MMDDYY). You have to enter the User ID and password and then click the Submit button. Remember that the User ID will always remain the same. The only thing that must be changed is the password. So, please follow the password instructions before clicking the Submit button.

Once you are logged into the WebAdvsior of Mendocino, you can do some things such as register, add and drop classes. You are also able to submit the change of the address request and your email address to the records.

This paragraph is for you who want to register. Once you logged in, please click Students to start the registration. Then, click on Register for Sections. The next thing you have to do is to choose the type of registration. Please go to Express Registration for those who already know what sections you want to add to the Preferred Sections. Please choose Use Search and Register for Sections for those who need to look up class sections to add to the Preferred Sections. Please click Register for previously selected sections to see what is currently in the Preferred Section list.

You can visit the official website of Mendocino official website for more information about the WebAdvisor. If you have any questions related to this system, please contact the Help Desk at 07-468-3101 or

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