Bing Quiz Not Loading

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When you try to take quiz in Bing, you maybe face some problem such as the quiz is loading and it does not appear at all. If we find this issue when we take this quiz, can we fix it? If we can fix it by ourselves, how to fix the issue? You surely want to fix this issue because you like taking this quiz and being not loading makes you a little bit annoyed.

As we know that Bing has a new feature where everyone can take quiz. You are able to find a quiz by hover over on the graduation cap. Now, the icon change into a Q icon. Then, after you receive the first question, you are able to answer it and then you can also know your score after you finish answering the questions. Even, you can choose to share your score in your social media account by clicking on the social media icon under your score such as Facebook and Twitter.

Now, what do we can do if the Bing quiz is not loading? First, you need to know that Bing Homepage Quiz is a feature which is only available in US region. If you have chosen any different region or Bing automatically chosen a different region for you, you will not be able to see Bing Homepage Quiz icon on Bing Homepage.

If you want to take the quiz, but there is not any icon loading on Bing homepage, then you are able to try to hover over your cursor in the homepage. It is because now Q icon for quiz is not always visible. Sometimes, it is hidden by default and you have to find it by using Hotspot feature of Bing homepage. So, try to move your mouse cursor over different places on the background image on Bing homepage and then Q icon will appear somewhere on the image. In Bing, it is named the hotspot feature and it is very helpful. Then, after you find the Q icon, hover over it and Bing will show you the homepage quiz fly-out. You will be given the first question about the image of the day.

If you have tried the method above, but you still cannot access Bing homepage quiz, then you have to follow the step below. You will have to change your region to United States using Bing Settings. How to do that? Follow the steps below and make sure that you do not skip one of them.

  • The first thing that you have to do is opening by using your web browser.
  •  After that, you have to click on the three lines or Hamburger icon that you are able to find at the top right corner on Bing homepage.
  •  Now, you will see there is Settings option at the top of the main menu. So, you have to click it.
  • It will expand the Settings option and there will be Country/Region option in the list. So, click on the Country/ Region option and Bing will load Settings in a new page.

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